This article covers how to embed a LotWorks map in your public website. It assumes you have already imported your new lots into your LotWorks system.
Open a New Support Ticket
If you're an existing LotWorks customer with a community in need of a public website map, please open a new ticket with Blueprint to get it going. There is a cost per community involved in setup, and typically you can expect a 3-5 day turnaround time for release.
LotWorks Maps can be loaded to public websites quickly and easily using our Google Maps embed process.
Embedding a LotWorks Map
Our support desk will provide you with a URL that you or your web development team can use to embed your new map in an iframe.
Example of a basic LotWorks map implementation:
If you already have a live website map for another community, it will work and look the same as your other maps do.
If this is your first live community website map:
- Our support desk will work with you to determine what you would like to display for your public lot sales statuses, and the corresponding colours.
- Additionally, you can use a custom CSS file to override the default colours and fonts.
Standard Side Panel
If you are using the standard LotWorks side panel, there's nothing else you need to do. Your new Google Maps-enabled map will pull live LotWorks data from your system to display public lot statuses on your website.
The public map will also be displayed with the background image you've added to your map in your LotWorks system. Whenever you make a change in LotWorks, it is instantly reflected on your websites.
Custom Side Panel
LotWorks also has an option that allows you to display your own custom content when a buyer clicks on a lot. Talk to your account rep about adding this option. Read more about the Custom Side Panel here.
Enable Phase for Public Map
Land developers may disable individual phases on their communities' public maps using the "Phase Visibility" toggle found under Community > Phase > Edit Phase.
If you have added a new phase to your LotWorks system but don't see it on your public website map, please check that this setting is enabled.
Additional Reading
Best Practices
For some additional tips on optimizing the appearance and functionality of your maps, please read our Website Maps Best Practices.
Technical Documentation
Our LotWorks Maps Embed API documentation, which covers advanced embed options as well as interacting with your map using Javascript, is available upon request.
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